Gender Pay Gap Reporting With Ease

Gender Pay Gap Reporting With Ease

Gender Pay Gap Reporting With Ease

Gender Pay Gap Reporting With Ease

Beginning in 2024, Irish companies with over 150 employees must comply with new gender pay gap reporting requirements.
Effective communication on this issue can boost your employer brand, strengthen employee relations, and attract top talent.
It's crucial to get it right.

Trust us to guide your business through compliance with precision.
Beginning in 2024, Irish companies with over 150 employees must comply with new gender pay gap reporting requirements.
Effective communication on this issue can boost your employer brand, strengthen employee relations, and attract top talent.
It's crucial to get it right.

Trust us to guide your business through compliance with precision.
Beginning in 2024, Irish companies with over 150 employees must comply with new gender pay gap reporting requirements.
Effective communication on this issue can boost your employer brand, strengthen employee relations, and attract top talent.
It's crucial to get it right.

Trust us to guide your business through compliance with precision.

Beginning in 2024, Irish companies with over 150 employees must comply with new gender pay gap reporting requirements.
Effective communication on this issue can boost your employer brand, strengthen employee relations, and attract top talent.
It's crucial to get it right.

Trust us to guide your business through compliance with precision.

Shaped by industry leaders
Shaped by industry leaders
Shaped by industry leaders
Shaped by industry leaders

Get a FREE summary of 2024 legal obligations.

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Join the community to get free access to tests for 12 months

EquiPay by SkillsTrust

Hire people who can do the job - not just talk about it

EquiPay helps with all aspects of gender pay gap compliance.

Data Managment

We help you collect all relevant data across your company. Convert your data into clean standardized dataset, ready for analysis.

Internal Analysis

Detailed reporting to help you identify pay equity risks, data quality issues, and ways to resolve them.

Public Reporting

Generate fully compliant reports to meet your legal obligations. Following industry best-practices and government guidelines.

AI-Powered Real-World Skills Assessments

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AI-Powered Real-World Skills Assessments

Copyright © 2023 SkillsTrust. All Rights Reserved.

AI-Powered Real-World Skills Assessments

Copyright © 2023 SkillsTrust. All Rights Reserved.